Ron Howard has shared another set photo from his young Han Solo spinoff movie, this one teasing the Millennium Falcon’s travels through hyperspace. Since taking over for the fired Phil Lord and Chris Miller, the Oscar-winning helmsman is using his social media platforms to offer his followers glimpses of the production - be it something inconsequential like his shoe or a more substantial moment like Chewbacca saying farewell to a fellow Wookiee. Regardless of what the director decides to show, his series of photos have been fun to check out, helping raise curiosity about what Lucasfilm has in store. Since the studio basically swept Han Solo under the rug at D23, Howard’s pictures amount to the entirety of promotion to this point.

Just yesterday, fans got their first look at Donald Glover’s version of Lando Calrissian, hard at work in the Falcon cockpit donning a gold jacket of some kind. It appears this week’s shooting schedule involves much time in the iconic spaceship, as the crew is sailing off at lightspeed in the latest set photo.

Taking to Twitter, Howard posted an image of the classic Star Wars hyperspace visual effect projected on a large screen as the cameras capture another scene in the vehicle’s interior. The monitor on the left looks to show Lando at the controls (remember, the Falcon was his before Han owned it). It’s hard to make out the identity of the character on the other monitor, but possibly could be Alden Ehrenreich as the young Solo. Check it out for yourself in the space below:

Howard’s caption is sure to hit home for many Star Wars aficionados, as it illustrates the passion the director has for the material. Howard has been open about his relationship with the galaxy far, far away, saying in the past he’s been a fan since A New Hope first premiered in 1977. He understands what makes the property so special and is trying to convey that sense of awe and wonder for a new generation of viewers. It’s clear this experience is magical for Howard, providing Han Solo with some nice, wholesome qualities it desperately needed following the infamous director kerfuffle. An argument can be made that this is the best damage control Han Solo could have asked for, as the conversation surrounding the film has shifted. Instead of wondering what went wrong with Lord and Miller, viewers are becoming curious about what awaits them next May.

Hyperspace is real. My first experience. Wow.— Ron Howard (@RealRonHoward) July 19, 2017

Hopefully, Howard’s enthusiasm comes across onscreen and he delivers another entertaining Star Wars film. With the Skywalker saga possibly ending after Colin Trevorrow’s Episode IX, the future of the franchise could be these spinoffs that tell offshoot stories. Rogue One was a $1 billion smash, but the onus will be on Han Solo to prove that wasn’t a fluke. Signs are pointing in the right direction now with Howard’s steadying hands steering the ship on track, so it will be interesting to see how the whole thing comes together.

MORE: When Will Lucasfilm Start Marketing Han Solo?

Source: Ron Howard

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