Mysterio’s recognizable costume is being properly brought to life in Spider-Man: Far From Home, and audiences will get to see even more of it thanks to Jake Gyllenhaal. Quentin Beck aka Mysterio has one of the most distinct looks of any of Spider-Man’s foes. His green-scaled suit, purple cape, and gold gauntlets help him stand out with ease, but it’s his fishbowl helmet that makes him instantly recognizable. As great as it looks in the pages of Marvel Comics, there was some trepidation that it would be properly realized in live-action.

Those concerns went away rather quickly once production began on Spider-Man: Far From Home, where images and videos from the set revealed just how perfect the suit was. Even though some where still hesitant thanks to the lack of his helmet, the fishbowl look has since been confirmed to be featured. When the first trailer arrived earlier this year, these photos and promotional materials were put to shame with the footage of Mysterio in action and using his powers to fight off Hydro Man.

The most recent trailer showed even more footage of Jake Gyllenhaal in the Mysterio suit, and it turns out that he’s responsible for getting it into more of the film. When Screen Rant visited the set of Spider-Man: Far From Home, producer Eric Carroll revealed during an interview that the plan was originally for the costume to not be featured as heavily. This wasn’t because of how it looked, but rather because they believed that Gyllenhaal wouldn’t want to wear it all the time. However, this was changed at the request of Gyllenhaal because he loved the look and the character that much.

For fans of Mysterio and his costume, this is great news, as it means the suit should be featured plenty in Spider-Man: Far From Home. It’s also a testament to Gyllenhaal’s commitment to the role, where he would ask to wear the elaborate costume even more than required. Normal clothing would make the role much simpler, but wearing the suit may also help keep Gyllenhaal in the right mindset so he can accurately bring the special effects wizard from a different reality to life.

We were just assuming - since we did end up building a fully practical costume - that our actor wouldn’t want to spend time in it, and then we were like, to make sure we get the caliber actor we want for this, we made it clear, “we won’t make you wear this stuff when you don’t have to.” So on and so forth. So, for example, this is a scene – this is a briefing scene. We had said, “you can just look cool. You can just look like a cool mercenary man. You can have your t-shirt on, leather jacket and jeans.” And he was like, “Can I be in the costume? I really feel the character, I get it.” So, not only is this costume practical, but he wears it everywhere it makes sense to wear it. So we think this looks amazing. We’re super excited about bringing him to the screen.

As much of Gyllenhaal in the costume that we’ll see this summer in Spider-Man: Far From Home, it may be a different version of Mysterio than many are expecting. He continues to be touted as a hero of the piece that will work alongside Peter Parker (Tom Holland), and Carroll wouldn’t confirm to us that a twist to his true villainous ways will come here. If it doesn’t - or even just comes at the very end - then Gyllenhaal should get the opportunity to wear the costume again in the future. That is, as long as Spider-Man: Far From Home becomes as successful and well-received as everyone is hoping.

MORE: How Mysterio Can Be From An Alternate Dimension In Spider-Man: Far From Home

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