Guillermo del Toro’s 3Below season 2 drops July 12 on Netflix, and in anticipation, Screen Rant is debuting an exclusive clip. 3Below is the second series in Tales of Arcardia, an animated anthology series which began with Trollhunters and will conclude with the upcoming, Wizards. Produced by DreamWorks Animation and created by Del Toro, Tales of Arcadia centers on the small town of Arcadia and the strange creatures who along with humans call it home - namely trolls, wizards, and now, aliens.

3Below follows the adventures of Aja (Tatiana Maslany) and her brother, Krel (Diego Luna), aliens from Akiridian-5 who flee to Earth following a coup against their parents by General Morando (Alon Aboutboul). 3Below season 1 saw Aja and Krel - along with bodyguard, Varvatos Vex (Nick Offerman) - slowly adjust to life on Earth, eventually needing to protect it from Morando’s forces. They also befriend several human characters (and one troll) who first appeared on Trollhunters, and in 3Below season 2, that expanded cast takes on an even bigger role.

In this 3Below season 2 clip from DreamWorks Animation, Toby (Charlie Saxton) is holding auditions for his film, Captain DJ Kleb, and practically everyone in Arcadia tries out for a role. Captain DJ Kleb is a sci-fi film that benefits greatly from Toby knowing actual aliens, with footage of several real and dangerous alien encounters being used in the movie. In the clip, everyone from their friend and fellow Creep Slayer, Steve (Steven Yeun) to Arcadia’s dentist, Mario Muelos (Del Toro) take a crack at the audition. Give it a watch, below:

Having filmmaker and Tales of Arcadia creator, Del Toro voicing the town’s dentist is already a great gag, but his bit in this montage of audition scenes is hilarious (if not also a little disturbing). The best, though, has to be Yeun’s melodramatic take on a guy living in the zombie apocalypse given that on another television show (The Walking Dead) he played that very sort of role.

In 3Below season 2, the stakes get even higher for Aja and Krel as Morando himself invades Earth, looking to end House Tarron once and for all. Yet, while there are bigger threats looming, 3Below keeps itself firmly rooted in the friendships Aja and Krel have made on Earth, strengthening those bonds in season 2 before testing them in battle to save Arcadia. Like Trollhunters before it, 3Below effortlessly combines action, humor, and heart - not to mention some very cool character designs - to become a series that’s entertaining for the whole family.

More: 3Below: Tales of Arcadia Season 1 Ending & Season 2 Future Explained

3Below: Tales of Arcadia season 2 will be available to stream July 12 on Netflix.