Ever since he first arrived on the silver screen in 2014’s Guardians of the Galaxy, Groot has been one of the most beloved characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Whether he’s taking the form of a baby, a teenager, or an adult, Marvel fans go wild for Rocket’s sidekick.

Since he can only say three words in one particular order and he’s a tree with arms, legs, and a voice, there’s plenty of comedic material in Groot’s characterization. In a franchise filled with hilarious characters, he shines as one of the funniest. So, here are Groot’s 10 Funniest Moments In The MCU, Ranked.

Stealing The Quarnyx Battery Too Soon

What first brings the Guardians together is being locked together in the Kyln. They hatch a plan to escape, but it’ll require some teamwork, which they’re not used to. Rocket outlines the plan, telling Groot that he needs him to grab a Quarnyx Battery.

Then, as Rocket explains that the Quarnyx Battery heist should be the last part of the plan to be executed, Groot goes off and grabs it, necessitating them to just wing it as anarchy breaks out in the prison.

Being A Moody Teenager

The many mid-credits scenes in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 help to show the passage of several years between that movie and Avengers: Infinity War — which, at the time, was a year away. In one of them, we see Groot as a teenager.

His room is a mess and he’s become a moody brat. He plays video games all day and rolls his eyes whenever Quill comes in and acts like an authority figure. Groot would prove in Infinity War that he could still be heroic despite this attitude, but that was still a long way away.

Bagging The Wrong Person

When we’re first introduced to Groot and Rocket in the first Guardians of the Galaxy solo outing, they’re on Xandar, looking for their next big score. They spot Peter Quill, see the price on his head, and decide to take him in.

Unfortunately, there’s a little miscommunication between the two, because when they go to nab Quill, Rocket tells Groot to capture him in a bag, and he bags Gamora instead. Rocket is incensed that Groot got the wrong person and says, “Learn genders, man!”

Drax Tries To Catch Baby Groot Dancing

Groot makes the ultimate sacrifice in the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie as he shelters the rest of the Guardians from the wreckage in Ronan’s crashing ship. But he’s not gone forever. Rocket replants a twig and Groot is reborn as a baby.

In the movie’s end credits, Baby Groot is seen dancing in his pot. Whenever Drax turns to catch him in the act, he freezes, making Drax unsure if he’s moving or not.

Eating His Own Leaves

When Star-Lord tells the other Guardians that Groot is the only one of them that has a clue, Groot starts chewing on his own leaves, proving Star-Lord wrong.

This moment comes when Star-Lord is outlining his plan to the others and Rocket presses him until he reveals that he only has 12% of a plan. Rocket says that 12% is better than 11%, which is pretty much the only silver lining in that situation.

Trying To Bring Yondu His Fin

When all the Ravagers have gone to sleep, Groot heads down to the holding cell where Yondu and Rocket have been locked away. Yondu tells Groot to bring him a prototype of his new fin, so that he can break them out of there.

However, there’s a little bit of a communication problem as Groot keeps bringing back the wrong items. Among other things, he takes a badge, an entire desk, and someone’s prosthetic eye (which Rocket tells him to leave behind, for the purposes of a sadistic practical joke).

Not Understanding How The Detonator Works

In the final battle of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, the Guardians need to blow up Ego’s core, and determine that Groot is the only one who’s small enough to take the bomb and the detonator down there to do it.

In anticipation of his important mission, Rocket takes Groot to one side and teaches him how to use the detonator. However, no matter how many times he explains it to his infantilized sequoia friend, Groot keeps going for the button that’ll detonate the bomb instantly and kill everybody.

Killing Retch

When Groot, Rocket, and Yondu escape from the Ravagers, Groot gets a little revenge for the torture and humiliation he endured earlier in the night. Groot spots Retch, the Ravager who was particularly mean to him earlier, and starts running after him.

Despite his small size, Groot proves that he can still pack quite a punch as he grows out his arms, grabs Retch around the ankles, and throws him off a ledge to his death.

“I Am Groot.” “I Am Steve Rogers.”

Thor’s arrival on the battlefield in Wakanda with Rocket and Groot is one of the most triumphant moments in Avengers: Infinity War. As they join Earth’s mightiest heroes in their fight against the Black Order, Thor takes a second to introduce his new friends to Captain America.

Since Thor never learned Groot’s name (despite the fact that he announces it every time he speaks, and Thor learned Groot’s language as an elective on Asgard), he introduces him as “Tree.” Groot says, “I am Groot,” and Cap hysterically replies, “I am Steve Rogers.”

Dancing To “Mr. Blue Sky”

After the opening prologue of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 takes viewers back to 1980 to establish Ego’s relationship with Meredith Quill on Earth, James Gunn treats fans to a typical action set piece. The Guardians are protecting some Anulax Batteries from an interdimensional monster in exchange for Nebula, who the Sovereign have as a prisoner.

However, the fight against the monster isn’t what’s in focus. What’s in focus is Baby Groot, dancing to the Electric Light Orchestra’s “Mr. Blue Sky,” and it’s equal parts adorable and hilarious.