Every drama on television needs to have an element of crazy to it, or at least an element of being slightly unbelievable. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be called dramas. However, Grey’s Anatomy manages to seize the concept of ‘crazy’ and take it to a whole new level.

The show has never shied away from major stunts and disasters (anyone recalls the plane crash in Season 8?) but its second season seems to incorporate more than its fair share of insanity. That’s not to say that this is a bad thing. Below are the 10 craziest things that happened during Season 2 of Grey’s Anatomy.

Male Hysterical Pregnancy

It says a lot when this completely baffling case is sat at number 10 in this list but this was only the beginning of all the crazy. Even the hospital thought that the patient was legitimately crazy as they tried to have him committed to the psychiatric wing.

Luckily for the patient, Izzie and Cristina stole him away due to his very large and very noticeable extended abdomen. It took the entire episode (and most of the surgical staff) to figure out what was going on but eventually, the ‘baby’ was discovered to be a massive mass of hair and organs. And yes, it was as gross as it sounds.

Derek Shames Meredith

Not cool McDreamy. Not cool. This entry is crazier on an intimate level. For a while back in Season 1, Derek and Meredith were a sweet couple who were starting to get kind of serious. Unfortunately, they then had a very sudden break up due to some unforeseen circumstances.

As a result, Meredith resorted to having a bit of fun in order to try and get over the love of her life. That said love of her life didn’t really approve and indulged in some hurtful and spiteful verbal abuse which neither Meredith nor the audience took very kindly.

George Performs Surgery In An Elevator

This is insane in two completely different ways. Firstly, surgery in an elevator! Open heart surgery no less! This could only happen in an episode of Grey’s. The only thing in this instance crazier than the surgery itself was the surgeon performing it.

After Alex froze and refused to take the scalpel, George stood up and took the surgical instrument himself. Following Burke’s instructions, he managed to save the patient (who was a police officer, naturally) and proved himself capable of being more than just the dud intern, while Alex was left to lick his wounded pride.

Ellis Grey’s Alzheimer’s Is Revealed

When someone has a secret that must never ever be told, there is a 100% guarantee that that secret will be bust open in the most dramatic way possible. Ellis Grey’s diagnosis had been kept a secret from almost everyone for an entire season, which is really quite impressive for Grey’s Anatomy.

However, when Ellis was brought into the hospital for medical treatment, that secret was blown wide open. While our hearts broke for Meredith, seeing everyone’s reactions to how the world-renowned surgeon had ended up was thrilling and made for some truly amazing drama.

Bailey’s Husband Is Brought Into The Hospital

Miranda Bailey is a cool, calm, and collected woman who always remains professional. So imagine everybody’s surprise when her husband arrives at Seattle Grace after getting into a bad car accident. To make matters worse, Bailey had just entered into the early stages of labor.

That’s bad right? But it gets even crazier as the hospital realizes that there is a bomb in a patient’s stomach, who is in the middle of surgery. As luck would have it, Derek is operating on Bailey’s husband in the very next room. On this occasion, it’s easy to see why Bailey freaks out.

Addison Is Derek’s Wife

Technically this reveal happened in the last few seconds of Season 1. However, the show then devoted an entire season to deal with the ramifications, so its inclusion here isn’t that amiss. Part of the appeal and craziness was that it was the series’s first big cliffhanger, which no one saw coming.

It uprooted the show’s best couple and made everyone question everything they thought they knew about Derek Shepherd. This bonkers revelation also led to the first official love triangle of the series. While there would be many more to come, it was obvious how this triangle would play out.

Burke Gets Shot

This season of Grey’s just delivered surprise after surprise. In what was one of the most eventful finales in the show’s history, Seattle Grace’s head of cardiothoracic surgery was shot by a deranged man outside of the hospital.

Firstly, this crazy moment was a complete surprise. The main event of the episode had been Izzie cutting Denny’s LVAD wire (more on that later) so literally no one was expecting this massive cliffhanger. The final nail in the coffin was that Burke was supposed to come and help the interns save Denny. Without him, Denny’s fate was apparently sealed.

Denny Dies

Yet another moment from the Season 2 finale, this one was as devastating as it was insane. While fans might have seen this coming from the moment Denny began flirting with Dr. Stevens, the episode seemed to be slowing down as all the main problems had been resolved for the moment.

The hospital was getting ready to throw Dr. Webber’s niece a prom and the interns had all been reprimanded for their role in the LVAD fiasco. Izzie and Denny were blissfully happy after the latter’s successful surgery. Unfortunately, all it took was one stroke and Izzie’s bliss was destroyed.

Dylan Young Explodes

It was the end of Season 2’s most dramatic and tense couple of episodes. Meredith had stuck her hand on a bomb and managed to live to tell the tale. Bailey had given birth and her husband was out of surgery. It was a happy ending all round.

Except, this being Grey’s Anatomy, happy endings don’t last for very long. As the bomb guy walked off to safely dispose of the explosive, Meredith and the viewers breathed a huge sigh of relief. Until everything explodes. Meredith is literally knocked off her feet and brave Dylan Young is no more.

Izzy Cuts Denny’s LVAD Wire

Denny’s death was already covered in this list but the top place had to be reserved for Izzie’s absolutely mad way of thinking. Denny’s heart was failing him and he needed a donor heart - fast. Luckily there was a heart available.

Unfortunately, there was another desperately ill patient who also needed a new heart. In order to guarantee her lover the organ, Izzy let all logic fly out of the window and cut Denny’s LVAD wire with his consent. Up until this point in the series, all the doctors’ screw-ups had been fixable. This move left everyone shaken and shocked and literally no one knew what would happen next.