Ever since Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool) donned the super-tight outfit for 2011’s Green Lantern, the franchise, on-screen at least, has been going through a rough patch. Costing a reported $200 million to make, the film only grossed about $220 million worldwide, making it a flop for Warner Bros. Pictures (due to its combined production and marketing costs) that effectively sealed the fate of additional Green Lantern films for the immediate future.

However, with the DC Extended Universe now moving forward - after Man of Steel got the DCEU ball rolling in 2013 and then this year’s Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice scooped up $855 million worldwide (and counting) - it won’t be too long before we saw a Green Lantern back on the big screen. With Green Lantern Corps scheduled for a 2020 release as part of the DCEU, rumour

Several issues were discussed on the latest episode of Heroic Insider, including The Jungle Book 2 and Captain America: Civil War. Moreover, during the episode co-presenter Umberto Gonzalez claimed to have insider knowledge that Mad Max: Fury Road director George Miller is being considered for the job of directing Green Lantern Corps. This reveal came after Heroic Insider co-host Daniel Alter speculated that James Wan could be the ideal choice for the new Green Lantern movie (after he finishes up another DCEU film, Aquaman), only for Gonzalez to respond as follows:

Keep in mind that this isn’t close to confirmation of Miller’s involvement with Green Lantern Corps (and that Gonzalez’ track record of successful “scoops” is certainly mixed), but there are no doubt many people who would be excited about the prospect of Miller putting his spin on the Green Lantern comic book mythology. “Mad Max in space,” as the Heroic Insider presenters dubbed it, would be an intriguing concept, following Miller’s work on the multiple Oscar-winning Fury Road, no less.

“Let me tell you what I’m hearing - I know something, I heard something yesterday. The hot rumour is George Miller… Boom! George Miller is being rumoured to direct the Green Lantern Corps movie, and I think it’d be perfect for him, are you kidding me? George Miller. Again, it’s just a rumour right now, I just literally heard this yesterday.”

UPDATE: Eric Vespe of Ain’t It Cool News is reporting the rumor about Miller’s involvement with Green Lantern Corps is “bogus” according to his “very, very high up source.”

A Miller-directed DC superhero comic book movie is something that has come very close to happening in the past, yet things have just never worked out. Miller was famously going to direct a Justice League movie (titled Justice League: Mortal) back during the 2000s, but the film ended up being canceled not too long before production was about to begin. Miller has also been rumored to direct a DCEU Superman solo movie in recent years - something the filmmaker has expressed an interest in too - but given Miller’s age (71) and commitment to making a smaller film next followed (possibly) by additional Mad Max movies, it’s difficult to say if he would commit to directing either a new Superman film or a Green Lantern movie that won’t hit theaters for another four years (from the time of writing this).

It remains to be seen if Green Lantern Corps turns out any better than Green Lantern (2011) before it, but that really depends on both who directs and headlines the film. Tyrese Gibson is keen on snagging a role as an intergalactic law enforcer in the movie, but there’s far from being s sure thing at this point. Similarly, depending on how upcoming DCEU movies like Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, and Justice League Part One perform at the box office over the next 1-2 years, the DCEU could look quite different when 2020 actually does roll around compared to the planned DECU lineup.

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is now playing in U.S. theaters. Suicide Squad will arrive on August 5, 2016, followed by Wonder Woman on June 2, 2017; Justice League Part One on November 17, 2017; The Flash on March 16, 2018; Aquaman on July 27, 2018; an untitled DC Film on October 5, 2018; Shazam on April 5, 2019; Justice League Part Two on June 14, 2019; an untitled DC film on November 1, 2019; Cyborg on April 3, 2020; and Green Lantern Corps on June 19, 2020.

Source: Heroic Insider