Things are about to get a lot more horrible this season on Gotham. The TV series just released a new trailer featuring Jerome Valeska (Cameron Monaghan) front and center as he begins to organize the escaped criminals of Arkham Asylum into a team of supervillains that he refers to as the “Legion of Horribles.”

This new league of villains includes Penguin, Sandman, Mr. Freeze, and Mad Hatter, among others. Jerome plans on using this new team to take over Gotham and turn the city into a bed of mayhem and insanity. This means bad news for Jim Gordon (Ben McKenzie), who will have to figure out a way to stop someone whose mind works in ways that the GCPD cannot even imagine. Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz) continues his journey to becoming Batman, finally giving up the brat prince persona he adopted earlier this season to become someone who actually cares about what happens in his city. It also seems that young Bruce still has some family secrets to uncover.

FOX released the Jerome “White Band” trailer leading up to the next six episodes, including the season finale which will air on May 17. With fans expecting the reveal of the Joker soon, this clip sets up the tease that this revelation could come as early as this week’s episode.

Set photos have already shown Monaghan in full Joker makeup, although Monaghan, along with everyone else on the show, continue to deny that his character Jerome is, in fact, the Joker. Regardless, Monaghan nailed the role of the maybe Joker so well that his performance earned the praise of Mark Hamill, who most famously voice the character in the Batman animated movies and TV shows. So if Jerome isn’t the Joker, it seems that the actor coming in after him to take on that role has some big clown shoes to fill.

Although one of Gotham’s biggest dilemmas is whether Jerome is or isn’t the Joker, the trailer shows him unveiling his future plans for turning Gotham into a gigantic asylum, a place where villains roam free and prey upon the good citizens of the city in the only way they know how. That alone is worth tuning into Gotham for, but longtime fans are ready for a Joker pay-off. Yes, the show showcases the life of a young Jim Gordon and an even younger Bruce Wayne, but the truth is that when it comes to Gotham, viewers are really in it for the villains.

More: It’s Time To Start Watching Gotham

Gotham continues this Thursday with ‘Mandatory Brunch Meeting’ @8pm on FOX.

Source: FOX