The Lannisters are the richest family in all of Westeros, and the Starks are the wardens of the largest of seven kingdoms. There’s always been a rough power dynamic between the two families that was only enhanced when Stark patriarch, Ned, saw his best friend married into the family from Casterly Rock.

Both families stand out far beyond the power they wield over the continent in Game of Thrones. In one way they are very similar, both cherishing family loyalty above almost anything else, but which family would be the most fun or the most beneficial to be loyal to? In the world of Westeros, would it be better to be a member of House Stark or a member of House Lannister?

House Stark: Siblings

Who wouldn’t want a supportive brother like Robb? Or a brother who understands you like Jon? Who wouldn’t want to experience the joy of having both older siblings and younger siblings? In the world of Westeros, the Starks seem to have more children than any of the other houses at one time. Robb, Jon, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon. Sure, siblings can be a nuisance sometimes, but this lot is certainly better than most.

There would always be someone to partner with, someone to talk to, someone to make fun of. The Starks certainly seem to enjoy all of that when fans get to see them on screen together.

House Lannister: Siblings

Maybe five siblings is a little too much, and a more traditional three would suffice. Think about having Jamie as an older brother to protect and defend the family, or Tyrion to help with studying for tests or even to cheat on them.

Cersei may not like Tyrion, but, when you’re on her good side, she’ll defend you to the death. That’s the type of sibling you would want in your life to assist with all the ups and downs. The future is bright for a Lannister who is never trapped in a single kingdom as it often seems like the Starks are.

House Stark: Valyrian Steel

With fewer than ten known valyrian steel swords in Westeros, it’s a big deal that House Stark is—or was—in possession of one of them—a greatsword, in fact, known as Ice. That’s a hell of a thing to have in the family, certainly a symbol of distinction and history. The Lannnisters used to have one, but they embarrassingly lost it. Sure, we know that the Lannisters get ahold of Ice, melt her down, and make two new valyrian steel swords, but that’s not the same as having one that has been in the family for generations.

House Lannister: Weather

Let’s be real. The North may be big, but it’s not exactly welcoming. It would be much more comfortable to grow up farther south at Casterly Rock or in King’s Landing. Even when Ned becomes Hand of the King, he’s not keen on his children heading south, Tywin has no such qualms.

Tywin knows where his power comes from and knows where power is located, and that’s south near the capital, not north near the wall. Even when winter reaches its icy fingers southward, it’s better to be as far from the frozen land of the Wildlings as possible.

House Stark: Direwolf

Other than Daenerys Targaryen herself, no one has a better pet than the Stark family—the children, in particular. It would be worth the cold of Winterfell just to have your own personal direwolf at your side. The sigil of House Stark long believed to live only north of the wall, direwolves found their way south and paired off with each of the Stark siblings. Who wouldn’t want a giant deadly, but incredibly loyal, beast at their side? It’s like your parents buying you your own puppy, but magical and talented.

House Lannister: Money

A pet Direwolf is great, but what about all the riches in Westeros? Odds are, Tywin could have bought each of his children a direwolf or hired an expedition to go find some if he had wanted. Sansa may seem like the only Stark child who cares, but there is definitely a recognition that the Stark family lacks a bit of luxury so far north. Tywin’s family lacks for nothing. They dress to impress and wield power with their coffers at Casterly Rock.

House Stark: Honor

The Lannisters may be able to buy whatever they want, but the Starks earn their rewards. Ned may often seem foolish, but he sticks to his guns and is loyal to a fault, a trait he passes down to at least a few of his children. But all members of House Stark understand they can trust their patriarch, who is always true to his word.

“The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword,” Ned tells his sons. If you’ve ever wanted to be a superhero, then House Stark is the place to be.

House Lannister: Royalty

If you ever wanted to be a king, or a princess, or any member of a royal family, then House Lannister is where to go. It’s amazing to watch the family rise to the thrown, though they were neither born to the ruling line nor leaders of a great rebellion.

Lannisters make dreams come true their own way, and earning a spot on the throne is one of them. The organization, forethought, and nerve it takes to climb that high is certainly a family trait to be proud of.

House Stark: Real Affection

If what matters to you most in a family is the affection and care members show for one another then House Stark is the only choice. Even after months and years apart, the Stark children want nothing more than to find and be reunited with one another. Sansa may speak up against her father in King’s Landing, but it’s only in the hopes it will save him from execution. Catelyn may leave Bran in his sickbed, but it’s only to go after the men she things have injured him in the first place. Every Stark action is defined by what it would do or accomplish for the loved ones who remain.

House Lannister: Real Loyalty

“Nothing else matters,” Cersei tells Jamie. “Only us.” The Lannisters may have their faults, but, when it comes to loyalty, few can beat them, especially Cersei herself. Tyrion may leave the family behind, but no one else ever takes sides against the family. Everything Tywin does is for the future of his house. Everything Cersei does is for her children. If you want to be a part of a family that will have your back no matter what (honor and civility be damned), it’s all about the Lannisters.