Gossip Girl is a show that is dedicated to relationships and all the drama that ensues with them. What would the series be without its crazy outlandish couples that have developed throughout the seasons? Some of these couples were adorable and inspiring while others were just a complete mess and toxic in every way.

Which couples on the show do we still admire? Which couples make us want to throw things at our TV screens with anger? Keep reading to find out!


Dan and Vanessa are a solid couple on Gossip Girl and their relationship did not receive the justice it deserved. Sparks were flying when these two finally discovered their feelings for one another, while in the midst of a love session with the one and only Hilary Duff. Not the typical way to discover your love for someone, but hey, Gossip Girl is not a typical show.

Dan and Vanessa were best friends since childhood, and they understood each other in a way that no one else could. We’re not suggesting that all male-female friendships have to end in romance, but for Dan and Vanessa, they had a spark. Plus, they made each other really happy. We still ship it to this day.


Dan and Serena were an enticing match for all about one season, but as time passed, it became more and more evident that they were simply not meant to be. These two felt like high school sweethearts in the puppy love phase, but they don’t feel like much more than that to us.

Plus, there is something unsettling about the fact that they were step-siblings for a while and their parents just so happen to be madly in love with each other. Speaking of which…


Rufus and Lily were easily one of the best couples on the entire show. Their relationship was based on so much more than sexual chemistry and physical attraction (like the majority of the relationships on this show seem to be based around). The two on-and-off lovers have been crazy about each other for ages, and it shows.

There is so much history between them, and at the end of the day, they can be themselves with each other. It seems like they are soul mates, which makes it such a shame that they never ended up together in the end.


We know we’re probably going to get a lot of disagreement for this, but Chuck and Blair were not a healthy couple by any means. Yeah, there is a bunch of chemistry between them, but that is unfortunately not enough to have a stable life-long relationship.

Sure, they are the most entertaining couple of the bunch, but just because their dynamic makes for quality television doesn’t mean people should be striving for a relationship like this one in real life. They are constantly hurting each other as part of their “game” and Chuck is just the worst person, period. Maybe when we were twelve we thought he was boyfriend material, but now that we are older and wiser, we just need him to go.


Yeah, we said it. Dan and Blair would be awesome together. Although this isn’t the most popular opinion within the fandom, we truly believe these two would be an excellent and healthy couple that could truly work.

Yet since Gossip Girl is a teen drama/soap opera, “healthy relationships” seem to be the equivalent to  “poorer ratings”. At least this seems to be how the writers think. Apparently, we can’t have nice things, because Dan and Blair were a solid match with chemistry and intellectual banter. It’s a shame this relationship wasn’t explored more.


Gossip Girl has a genuine problem with failing to consider the drastic age differences among its romantic relationships, especially when considering the fact that in a lot of these age-gap romances, one of the participants is underage.

Nate’s relationship with Catherine is extremely uncomfortable considering she is over 20 years older than him and she is also married. This is just not the kind of relationship that the show should promote and it’s such a common issue on in this series that we nearly have become desensitized to it.


Dorota and Vanya are relationship goals, and they are easily one of the best couples on the entire show. Isn’t it such a breath of fresh air when you get to witness a drama-free relationship on Gossip Girl? There really is nothing better, because unfortunately, it is such a rare sighting amongst Manhattan’s elite.

Dorota and Vanya are perfect together because they have zero interest in playing mind games or intentionally hurting one another cough cough Chuck and Blair cough cough. They are most definitely still living happily ever after with one another in our minds, and they prove that true love does exist.


Tripp and Serena are another classic example of two people who should most certainly not be paired up together due to the uncomfortable age gap between them.

When their romance is budding and alive, Tripp is a grown adult with a wife and children. Serena, meanwhile, is a child herself who is no older than a teenager during this whole creepy ordeal. These frequent age gaps in regards to the romances on this show are simply not okay. What exactly were the writers thinking?


Cyrus and Eleanor are literally perfect together. The best relationship on the series by far (with Dorota and Vanya also taking the crown for best couple). Why?

Because Cyrus and Eleanor are too in love with each other to play silly mind games. They make each other insanely happy and their bond causes us to beam with joy every time we see them on screen together. Gossip Girl isn’t exactly a “heart-warming” show, but Cyrus and Eleanor make us melt every single time. Their love is so strong and pure that it is practically “inconceivable”!


No. Just- No. This relationship makes us physically ill. Chuck, in particular, makes us physically ill. In the pilot episode, he tries to assault Jenny. For some reason, fans of the show are very quick to overlook this because Chuck has “changed”. Has he really?

He still seems like a total prick to us. Jenny deserved way better than Chuck, and the fact that she lost her virginity to him makes us feel so sorry for her. That should have never happened, and it was really uncool of the show to just gloss over what Chuck did in the pilot.